Pedigree of Thomas Colston, descended by a long line of ancestry from Robert de Colston of Colston Hall, a family of consequence at the time of the Conquest .
The descendants of George M Colston of North Carolina, who migrated to Tennessee about 1805.
The descendants of Thomas Colston, one of the first settlers in Frederick County, Virginia.
Descendants of William Colston, first clerk of Old Rappahannock County, who emigrated from Bristol, England by 1684.
The descendants of Captain Thomas Coulson of Hartshorne, Derbyshire whose son Joseph emigrated to Germantown, Pennsylvania about 1705.
Transcription of wills and probate records relating to Colson and related surnames.

The new Colson Heritage site represents a completely fresh start, incorporating only data verified by contemporary documents.

Why is that important? Numerous family history books published in the nineteenth century containing the pedigree of Revolutionary hero Rawleigh Colston claim he is descended from William Colston, brother of the great philanthropist Edward Colston. In reality, contemporary records show that Edward's brother died without issue and was buried in the family crypt in Bristol, England.

Read the transcriptions for yourself

TThere have been Colsons living in the Americas since the early 17th century. I have found Colson congressmen, Colson mayors, Colson pioneers and even Colson Revolutionary and Civil War heroes. Considering the comparative infrequency of the surname, I feel it is safe to say that my forebears who claimed to hail from the same areas must have familial ties. Proving the direct connection has always been the challenge of genealogy. So often there is one important missing link that makes it impossible to continue back with any certainty. For me, that enigmatic ancestor is MILTON K. COLSON.

In the coming weeks and months, more than 350 pages of pedigree charts and transcriptions will be converted into hundreds of inter-connected biography pages. If you have any contemporary records, associated documents, or period photographs that you would be willing to share, please do not hesitate to submit them via the contact form. Your research could provide the clue that solves the mystery of the Overton Colsons’ origins.


Colson Heritage is dedicated to uncovering the origins of the Colson, Coulson, Coleson, Colston, Collesson, and related surnames.